Family Foundations Faculty and Student Publications, Presentations, Research Reports, and Working Papers Skip to main content

Family Foundations Faculty and Student Publications, Presentations, Research Reports, and Working Papers


Dyer, W.J. (2024). Investigating why Latter-day Saint adolescents are at lower risk for suicidality: Comparing across sexual orientations and gender identities. Journal of the Mormon Social Science Association, 2(1). 109–116.

Dyer, W.J. & Erekson J.J. (2023). Mental health at religious and non-religious universities: Examining the role of student religiousness and sexual/gender minority identity. Journal of Affective Disorders, 342, 182-191. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2023.09.011

Goodman, M. A. & Dyer, W. J. (2023). How does religious faith impact positive youth outcomes? Religions, 14(7), 881. DOI: 10.3390/rel14070881.

Dyer, W. J., Judd, D.K., Gale, M., & Finlinson, H. G. (2023). Religion, mental health, and the Latter-Day Saints: A review of literature 2005–2022. Religions, 14(6), 701. DOI:10.3390/rel14060701

Dyer, W. J., Crandall, A., & Hanson, C. L. (2023). COVID-19 stress, religious affiliation, and mental health outcomes among adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 72(6), 892-898. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2022.12.026

Dyer, W.J. & Goodman, M. A. (2022). Religious affiliation’s association with suicidality across sexual orientations and gender identities. Religions, 13(10), 932. DOI: 10.3390/rel13100932.

Dyer, W. J., Goodman, M., & Wood, D. (2022). Religion and sexual orientation as predictors of Utah youth suicidality. BYU Studies Quarterly.

Dyer, W.J. (2022). Refining Research on the Intersection Between Sexual Orientation, Suicide, and Religiosity. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. DOI: 10.1037/rel0000451

Ogletree, M. D., Dyer, W. J., & Cowdin, L. (2021). Religious adolescents, mental health, and the benefits of private religious worship. The Religious Educator. 22, 3.

Dyer, W. J., Hardy, S., Goodman, M. (2020). Religiosity from age 12 to 20: Stability, change, and bidirectional effects of attendance, prayer, and salience. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. DOI:10.1080/10508619.2020.1834745

Dyer, W. J., Goodman, M. A., & Hardy. S. A. (2020). Adolescent suicide ideation in Utah: The role of religion and family. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. DOI: 10.1037/rel0000319

Ogletree, M. D., Dyer, W. J., Goodman, M., Kinneard, C., & McCormick, B. (2019). Depression, religiosity, and parenting styles among young Latter-day Saint adolescents. Religions, 10, 227. DOI: 10.3390/rel10030227


Research Report 24-01: Latter-day Saint Temple Attendance: Connections with Mental Health and Religiosity

Working Paper: Importance of Religion and Religious Service Attendance

White Paper 22-01: COVID-19 Stress, Religious Affiliation, and Mental Health Outcomes among Adolescents

White Paper 21-01: LGBQ Latter-day Saints and Suicide

PRESENTATIONS (Students marked with *)

Dyer, W.J. & Goodman, M. A. (2022). Sexuality, religion, and mental health, Presentation to BYU Faculty.

National Council on Family Relations

Goodman, M. A., Dyer, W. J., Sheen, J.*, Johnson, K.*, Cressman, M.*, & Pertschert, E.* (2020, Nov.). LGBT Adolescent suicide: Religious salience and family flexibility, National Council of Family Relations, St. Louis Missouri, November 2020.

Hurst, J., Nelson, J., Gale, M., & Dyer, W. J. (2019). Authoritarian parenting style and adolescent religious involvement: The mediating role of doubt. Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Fort Worth, TX.

Dyer, W. J., Gale, M.*, Marsh, A. K.*, Oldroyd, L. W.*, & Stewart, R. A.* (November, 2018) Do beliefs make good (or bad) parents? Parenting beliefs as a mediator of parents’ beliefs on child outcomes. Poster presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

Goodman, M., Dyer, W. J., Grubbs, J.*, & Sperry, H.* (November, 2018). Adolescent suicidal ideation: The Role of family and faith. Poster presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

Ogletree, M., Dyer, W. J., Olalere, D.*, McCormick, B. *, & Peterson, M. * (November, 2018). The impact of negative religious coping and parenting styles on LDS adolescent mental health. Poster presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

Hardy, S. A., *Frandsen, S. B., *Hurst, J. L., *Butterfield, H., & *Schuelke, M., (November, 2018). The family context of adolescent religiousness and spirituality. Poster presented at the National Council of Family Relations, San Diego, CA.

Dyer, W. J., Goodman, M., Ogletree, M., Nauta, S.*, & Ogletree, C.* (November, 2017). Adolescent suicide: The moderating and mediating role of family and faith. Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.

Ogletree, M. D., Dyer, W. J., Goodman, M., & Kinneard, C.*, & Mobley, S.* (November, 2017). Depression, religiosity, and parenting styles among LDS youth. Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.

Goodman, M., Dyer, W. J. Ogletree, M. D., Hemmelgarn, E.*, & Baker, H.* (November, 2017). How does religion impact positive adolescent outcomes? Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.

Utah Council on Family Relations

Hurst, J.*, Gale, M.*, & Dyer, W. J. (March, 2019). Parenting styles and religious doubt: When church support can moderate doubt for adolescent members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Paper presented at the Utah Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Orem, UT.

Dyer, W. J., Marsh, A.*, Gale, M.*, Ward, L.*, Stewart, R. A.*, & Cressman, C.* (March, 2018). Do beliefs make good (or bad) parents? Paper presented at the Utah Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Provo, UT.

Ogletree, M., Dyer, W. J., Baker, H.*, & Peterson, M. * (March, 2018). The impact of negative religious coping on LDS adolescent mental health. Paper presented at the Utah Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Provo, UT.

Goodman, M., Dyer, W. J., Grubbs, J.*, Phillips, B.*, Sperry, H.*, Smith, H.*, & Parsons, A.* (March, 2018). Utah suicidality: Faith, family and other correlates. Paper presented at the Utah Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Provo, UT.

Hurst, J. L.*, Frandsen, S. M.*, Butterfield, H.*, Schuelke, M.*, & Hardy, S. A. (March, 2018). Authoritative parenting and family religiosity as predictors of adolescent religiosity and spirituality. Poster presented at the Utah Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Provo, UT.

BYU Mary Lou Fulton Mentored Student Research Conference

Wright, I. D.*, Martin, L.*, & Ogletree, M. (April, 2020). Adolescent private religiosity and internalizing behaviors. Poster presented at the BYU Mary Lou Fulton student research conference, Provo, UT.

Dobson, B.*, Wilks, M. *, Benjamin, J.*, & Ogletree, M. (April, 2020). The impact of private religious practices on internalizing behaviors of adolescents. Poster presented at the BYU Mary Lou Fulton student research conference, Provo, UT.

Burnham, E.*, Peterson, E.*, Hayward, T.*, & Dyer, W. J (April, 2020). Differences in adolescent mental health between religious denominations. Poster presented at the BYU Mary Lou Fulton student research conference, Provo, UT.

Cressman, M.*, Jerez, A.*, Johnson, K.*, Purtschert, E.*, Sheen, J.*, Goodman, M. A., & Dyer, W. J. (April, 2020). The relationship between LGBQ suicidality and religiosity. Poster presented at the BYU Mary Lou Fulton student research conference, Provo, UT.

Gale, M.*, Marsh, A.*, Ward, L.*, Stewart, R. A.*, Cressman, C.*, & Dyer, W. J. (April, 2018). Do beliefs make good (or bad) parents? Poster presented at the BYU Mary Lou Fulton student research conference, Provo, UT.

Olalere, D.*, McCormick, B.*, Ogletree, M. D., & Dyer, W. J. (April, 2018). The impact of negative religious coping on LDS adolescent mental health. Poster presented at the BYU Mary Lou Fulton student research conference, Provo, UT.

Frandsen, S. B.*, Hurst, J. L.*, Butterfield, H.*, Schuelke, M.*, Hardy, S. A., (April, 2018). The dual effects of parenting style and familial religious practices on adolescent religiosity. Poster presented at the BYU Mary Lou Fulton student research conference, Provo, Utah.

Sperry, H.*, Grubbs, J.*, Phillips, B.*, Smith, H.*, Parsons, A.*, & Goodman, M. A. (April, 2018). The LDS church and suicidality: A national study. Poster presented at the BYU Mary Lou Fulton student research conference, Provo, UT.


Hardy, S. A., Goodman, M. A., Dyer, W. J., & Ogletree, M. D. (March, 2019). Religion, sexual orientation, and adolescent suicide. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.